
Sunday Orgy

Published June 7, 2024 tag category
Sunday Orgy

Five & Damon had shared an apartment for just over a year they were the best of friends but they both had totally different personalities. While Five was shy and very committed to his long-term girlfriend Joanne. Damon was loud and was in and out of relationships every other week. Five and Damon had an agreement on the apartment so to keep out of each others way the agreement was Wednesday to Saturday nights it was Five's night which meant Damon had to go out and Five had the apartment to himself which he usually spent time with Joanne. On Sunday to Tuesday nights it was Damon's turn of which he usually spent entertaining the ladies he picked up. On a few occasions Five came home early to hear another lady screaming to a night of pleasure with Damon. This agreement suited Five just fine, that was until Joanne announced she had to go away for a few days on a business trip; he didn't mind Saturday but what was he going to do on Sunday when nothing was open and it was Damon's night. He explained this to Damon but Damon didn't mind Five stopping in the apartment just this once but he did warn https://www.pornjk.com/tags/mom-and-son-fucking-live-video/ Five that this was his night so he better not object to anything that goes on while he's there. Five agreed for two reasons, one because he had no choice and two it was only fair after all it was Damon's night so he could not really object could he?

Sunday soon came and Joanne was soon away in London on her business trip. Five missed her company; he spent most of Saturday watching TV shows; he was bored shitless. Before she went Joanne told him not to masturbate until she came back. She was going to be gone until Tuesday, how could he hold out until then? "I'm a grown man for fucks sake," he thought, but he tried his best and didn't do anything Friday or Saturday though he wanted to especially after spending time looking at porn on the net because of his boredom.

It was 7pm and Five was watching television in the living room when suddenly Damon came in with bed covers. He laid them down on the ground and across the sofa. Before Five could ask what was going on Damon disappeared again. A few minutes later Damon came back with a box of which he lay on the ground. "What the hells going on Damon!" Five asked puzzled.

"I am having an orgy" Damon laughed. "What??" Five said out shocked. "I have one every Sunday night. I have a few friends come over: a few couples who swing and even a few single girls who are just looking for fun. You should join us tonight. You'll have fun too." Five, not answering his Damon, said, "what the fuck... how long has this been going on?... ...A few months! It's nothing new it's just you never stopped in before to see it don't worry we won't cause a mess everything is covered up by covers. So what you say want to join?".

"No way! Keep me out of this one. This is your business; just keep the noise down.... ...No fucking way; this is my night and if you don't like the noise go out as you agreed!" Damon said abruptly. Five looked at the window outside it had been raining all day and he knew Damon was right; this was his night and he didn't want to argue otherwise it will just make things difficult. "Okay then well just do what you want but just don't involve me okay.... ...Sure deal don't worry!" Damon replied, "by the way the party starts at 8pm so unless you want to watch or join keep out all rooms apart from yours of course we don't use that one". Thank god for that Five thought to himself.

8pm soon arrived the first door ring of the night. "Can you answer that?" shouted Damon from the kitchen. "I am making the punch." Five reluctantly went to the door and opened it, only to see a gorgeous . She had long brown hair, green eyes, she was around 5"7, enormous breasts, and a to match her slim figure. She was wearing a black micro mini and a white blouse with only the middle button done up, which showed her breasts to their fullest extent. 
"Hi I am Kathie. I have not seen you before. Are you new?" 
"Erm... no I am not part of this erm... party." 
"Oh really? That's a shame you would of fitted in well." Five noticed her glance downwards towards his groin which by now was bulging. "Well it looks like he wants to join," she laughed. Five blushed slightly; just then Damon entered "Kathie so glad you could make it!" Damon kissed her on the cheek.
"I see you have already met Five. Well he isn't with us tonight but that's his luck. The punch is in the kitchen, help yourself."
"Thanks a lot Damon so sorry you could not join us Five. "Oh well, see you later" she winked and left for the kitchen. "Are you sure you don't want to join Five she looks like she's really horny for you plus she's a great fuck!". "No way Damon I am with Joanne there is no way I would cheat on her."
"You're a damn fool; she would never know! While the cats away the mice will play". "No way don't involve me," Five said more firmly. "Fair enough. Your decision," were the last words Damon said before he followed Kathie into the kitchen.

The bell rang a few more times that night, these times Damon was there to answer. Music played and the chatter got louder. Before too long the chatters turned to moans. Five figured the real party had started by now. A few hours went by and Five's hunger had grown. He wanted to go downstairs for something to eat but he could still hear the moans. He left it for a while but his hunger grew. "Fuck it!" he thought. I will only be quick. He left his room and went downstairs silently. He entered the kitchen and saw some partially dressed girl on the breakfast table getting a . She seemed to be in the highs of to even notice Five getting something from the fridge. She did eventually notice and waved Five over to join, but as much as Five was turned on by the scene he declined and left with his macaroni and cheese.

Just as he was about to go back to his room again he heard a voice he recognized. The voice was Kathie's. She was saying all kinds of profanities: "" was the one that really caught his attention. After mentioning this to Joanne several times, she always denied him of this fantasy but now he was hearing Kathie screaming for it and now he really had to see it. He tip-toed to the door of the living room he spied through a little crack; he could just about notice Kathie bent down on all fours as a Jamaican guy positioned himself behind her. By the looks of him he was huge and so was his cock. "How could she be screaming for anal Five thought?"

Suddenly there was a huge gasp from Kathie as the guy literally drilled himself into her firm tight ass. His thrusts were deep and strong; there was no let up for Kathie who by now was gritting her teeth in a mix of pain and pleasure. Five so much wanted to go in that room and drill her himself but he was keeping strong. His cock was literally bursting from his pants; this was just too much to watch. Just before he turned to go back to his room the black guy grunted loudly as he came deep inside her. He stroked her ass and smiled to himself. Just then a new guy took over and then Five left for his room he simply could not take looking any longer he had to be strong.

Later that night when the guests were finally leaving the orgy had been going on for ages and Five was frustrated as hell, he needed it bad. He knew he only had to wait a two more days for Joanne so he tried to keep strong. It was 12am and Five needed a piss so he tip-toed to the bathroom trying to be quiet and trying not wake Damon up, who was probably exhausted by now. He closed the bathroom door slowly behind him; as he took a piss he heard running water coming from the bathtub damn someone must have left the tap on he thought to himself. He finished off then pulled back the shower curtain and to his and her surprise too, he saw Kathie in the hot bubble bath. She had been there all the time putting more hot water in. 
"Oh shit I am sorry Kathie I didn't know you were in here! You the shit out of me!" She laughed "I am just washing up it gets a bit sweaty and sticky after taking all those guys and girls on". "Oh I see..." Five tried turned away. "Hey you don't have to turn away you can look if you want or don't you like my body?... ...Sure I like your body; it's perfect!" Five replied. Indeed it was and she showed no signs of covering it up either. Her looks fantastic with her sticking out of the water and her pussy was shaved bare. How he wished Joanne would do that; it turned him on so much. Kathie noticed how turned on he was by the bulge in his pants "I see you like what you see." Kathie gave him a seducing look.

She reached out of the bath to Five's bulge then started rubbing it over his jeans. "I know you have a girlfriend Five. I would not do anything to come between you two. But you know I really want one more cock tonight and that's your cock, and since nobody is here and I can keep any secret what about you give me your up my ass tonight?" Five was too shocked to talk his will power had been pushed to the limit his cock needed action and Kathie was offering he couldn't say no.

She knew he was hers now as she started undoing his zipper. Before long Five's cock sprang out to eagerly meet Kathie's eager mouth. Her lips formed a hard suction, her tongue teased swirling around his shaft. After so much wait it didn't take long for Five to get near but she wasn't letting him of that easy. She released his cock, stood up and stepped out of the bathtub. She kissed Five passionately pushing him to the nearby sink she went down on her knees and started sucking him some more; she looked straight into his eyes with every suck. She then looked up at him and asked him if he wanted to fuck her. Five, without any hesitation, joined her on the floor. He was almost bursting as his cock easily slid inside Kathie's slippery . He pounded her with long hard strokes as she wrapped her legs around his waist; it had never felt so good.

As his cock rubbed against her swollen clit she could feel herself getting close to orgasm, her sixth of the night. Her body ached for him. She told him to go faster and deeper, and he went harder than he's ever been before, harder than all the times with Joanne. Before long Kathie lost control and she came hard and fast, her body shuddered and arched into Five's, who was still fucking her hard. He held her in his arms as she her body shook all over, her juices running down his shaft.

She knew he was close she could feel it building inside her soaking pussy she reached up to him and whispered in his ear "I want you to fuck my ass now!" She pulled away and smiled. Five had wanted this for so long as Kathie turned on all fours he knew it was time. He positioned his cock to her and slowly but surely inch by inch squeezed his length inside. God it felt so good; it was so tight, better than he ever imagined. His strokes got longer, her moans got louder. She was begging for him to fill her ass up. Before long her wish was granted as finally after two days he was coming deep inside her ass, exploding wave after wave of hot come.

Afterwards he took Kathie to his bedroom where she would stop for the night. In the morning he enjoyed his second anal experience with Kathie it was just a shame Joanne was coming home tomorrow.

When Joanne did come home nothing was told about the night that was shared with Kathie. The only thing that really changed is that Five decided to stop in with Damon on Sundays so he could have his weekly dose of ass from Kathie.